Friday 6 April 2018

Why is feminism relevant today

Why is feminism relevant today

The first movement for equality started in the 19th century and is still relevant in today's time and age. i admit we have come a long way but there's still things that divide men and woman.
One of the main things that we still haven't got passed is the wage gap between genders "More than three out of four UK companies pay their male staff more than their female staff, and in nine out of 17 sectors in the economy, earn 10 per cent more on average than a women. I believe that we shouldn't of ever had this issue because everyone is human we all pay the same price for things no matter our gender so why should we get payed any different. 

Another thing we need to sort out in today's society is rape culture and the objectification of women, especially in schools and universities. One of the main issues is judging a girl on what she's wearing we should not use this as an excuse to objectify each other. For example in school girls have a very strict dress code compared to boys like how short our skirts are, they should be knee length so we don't distract the boys but i think we should be teaching boys that what a girl wears should be up to her and it shouldn't change the way they are viewed.

There are so many more things that are wrong with today's generation and how we all view each other, especially with social media involved like cat calling and cyber bulling. One thing that i really hate about today's society is the double standards we have, its okay for a boy to do one thing but if a girl does the exact same thing her entire life could be ruined. For example if a boy has sex with lots of different girls hes praised for it and seen as one of the cool kids, however if a girl sleeps with a lot of boys she then gets slut shamed by both girls and boys who do the exact same thing. Things like this could potentially result in a girl taking her won life, which is not a society i want to live in, or potentially raise my kids in. 


Times, T. (2018). Gender pay gap: how women are short-changed in the UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 April. 2018].

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