Saturday 7 April 2018

Beginners by Tim Crouch

Beginners by Tim Crouch - 4/04/18

I really enjoyed watching this piece of children's theatre and though it was fun and enjoyable, even 0though i'm not a kid i found it very entertaining and intriguing as an audience member. When i first heard about it i thought that it was going to be a bit boring and like a pantomime which i don't really like honestly. However it completely surprised me and changed the view i had on how children's theatre should be. 

One of the main things i loved about it is, the way the 'dog' Sandy was acted by a person who was still a human just had the qualities of the animal which i thought was an interesting way of portraying the dog. In the beginning of the play i didn't quite understand who she was but soon after i finally clicked on to it and i felt very proud of myself. Having this character also made the role of the Sandy much more interesting to watch, as you weren't just seeing your usually a human playing a dog, it was different unique, which made it exciting.

In addition to that i thought it was very original and unique the way they done the children as adults but they still had kids in the performance, the age of them was clear from the beginning. I liked how you also saw the connection between both the adult and child actors as even though they were different they all had qualities that signifies who they were. Also the relationship they had with one another were really well portrayed.

Question and answer withe the cast. 

What are the challenges of working with children?
- audience reactions differ, children with their friends behave differently from those that are with their family.

Can you feel a significant difference depending on the audience?
-Kids don't react like a traditional audience, which can be a great joy as much as it is difficult

-Improvisation is necessary based on the crown, for example, lines have to be delivered differently depending on the volume of the crowd,

-Young audiences are truthful, so are great for increasing the success of the play, older audiences tend to sympathy laugh.

How do you approach big issues for children?
-Avoid being patronising

-Adults and children find their own points of reference

-Young audiences can laugh in all the wrong places, we have to be able to accept this

How did you develop the dog Sandy character?
-Direction to not act like the animal

-Children have a deep respect for animals, whereas adults can see them as a 'pet'

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Bibliography  Polka Theatre,  About Us- Polka Theatre.  [Online] Available at: <> [Accesse...