Thursday 28 June 2018

Project action plan

Project proposal 

Candidate Name: Dilara Ali Osman
Candidate Number:
Pathway: Acting
Project Title: Rebel Girls
Section 1: Review (approx 100 words)
         Studying at BRIT have found out that it’s not all about the lines,
I need to know my objective in every line i say as different objectives can alter the way you say
specific lines or words, which changes the way the audience can perceive your character.
Linking to that, I shouldn’t get high on the lines and rely on them to do all the work,
to help with this i would do an exercise where i would do the scene without the lines and just use
actions to  try achieve my objective.
This allows to really understand my character and why they do some of the things they do.
Section 2: Project Concept (approx 200 words)
I would like to focus on Maya Gabeira,
One of the concepts i had was where we have Maya Gabeira wanting to surf and
people telling her no it’s a boy’s thing then she goes out the room and comes back with
lots of medals from her surfing, therefore showing the kids that if they believe they can
make anything possible.
Or another idea i had was that we show her in a wheelchair, yet still wanting to surf when
she recovers from her injuries.
I want the idea of working hard  to come across to the students.
so anyone can be whoever they want to be.
I want to convey that if you fail you shouldn’t give up, as there are many obstacles that
we will have to face to get to where we want to be.
That is why i want to use Maya Gabeira because she didn't let anything get in her way,
she was determined. I need to do a lot more research into Maya Gabeira and what
she achieved by using the internet, books and videos and look into the accident that she
went through.
Section 3: Evaluations (approx 50 words)
When evaluating my work, i will use my logbook to keep track my entire process and
developments i go through. I will also use my fellow peers to give me feedback on my ideas
and how to improve my concept. Furthermore i will accept audience feedback to further
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
Carvello, F. and Favilli, E., 2016. Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls, America: Penguin.

Stab Magazine, 2014. An Interview With Maya Gabeira About Drowning At Nazaré. [online]
Available at:

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Bibliography  Polka Theatre,  About Us- Polka Theatre.  [Online] Available at: <> [Accesse...