Wednesday 6 June 2018

6/06/18- Mary Anning scene

Mary Anning scene 

The first thing we had to devise in Mary Anning's story is the market scene, this is because we thought it would add a more realistic touch to the story as when she was younger, Mary would sell fossils by the sea to make money so she can feed herself and her mother. 

One of the first thing we tried out was a more naturalistic setting where we'd just have some people wondering around and others selling things like fish or bread, however because it was quite naturalistic we thought that it wouldn't get the attention of the children and it might get a bit boring for them. 
So then we devised a piece where everyone wold go round and when they make eye contact with another character they would do some piece of movement, whether that's hugging or shaking hands, and you would just keep repeating this while singing 'she sells sea shells on the sea shore' we thought this would be a good rhyme because its actually written about her. 

On the other hand when we tried this scene as well it just looked a bit messy and everywhere, it didn't flow very well with the rest of the play it just didn't work. Also because there isn't a lot of people in our group we will just be repeating the same thing over and over again so the children will probably get very bored with the movement sequence. 

Another idea we had within the Mary Anning story is that we could someone singing the 'She sells sea shells' song and everyone is joining in and being very cheerful, then when its revealed that the song is wrong she didn't sell shells,  she sold fossils, the atmosphere becomes very tense and awkward and everyone just starts angry at the person that started singing the song as they were telling lies. 

In addition to that in beginning of her story we wanted a storm scene so we tried multiple ways of creating the sounds, without the use of sound effects. The first thing we tried was creating it with our bodies so we would stomp and create 'wooshing' sounds with her voice, that didn't sound very realistic. So we then tried to create the storm by hitting the tabled and walls that also didn't sound believable. In the end we ended up using sound effects one because it sounds real also it would make it more clear to the children that there is a storm going on, as one of the themes of children's Theatre was being clear with the information.

I believe that we should definitely have singing with actions in the play because it adds excitement to the scene and from being around kids i know that most of them love singing and repeating songs. 
Also it will add dynamics so the performance because i feel like just having talking all the time can get boring especially for kids as they loose interest.   

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