Tuesday 5 June 2018

5/06/18 -Maya Gabiera surfing movement

5/06/18 -Maya Gabiera surfing movement 

In this rehearsal we were going through the movements for Maya Gabiera and the surfing scene, this consisted of a lot of a physical theatre movements such as lying on your back and and holding your waist up so your legs are in the air.

So the first thing we do in the scene is stand in a line tallest to shortest so the person behind you cant be seen, after in a canon we place our arms up and down, then we do a dive movement (lean to your side and jump but land on your feet and slowly lay yourself on to the floor so you don't injure yourself).
Next we lean backwards and crawl, so we are walking on our hands and feet, into a line at the front. 
Wait for one person to cue us in and we go onto our backs with our legs in the air doing some synchronized swimming movements. Throughout the entire time we have a blue sheet in front of us so its sort of like we are in water. 
After that we crouch down so you can just see our heads above the blue cloth and in a line we gap a piece of the material and circle around the actor playing Maya who is standing on box, we keep going around her until she is fully covered, this represents the accident she was in then she falls of the box. 

I believe that this works really well as it keeps the story interesting for example instead of having our heads about the material the entire time like we are swimming, having our legs up adds and interesting balance and physical movement grabbing the attention of the children.
On the other hand we need to improve a lot on the movements to make them some what interesting to the children, we need to have a lot more fun with each other each move shouldn't be robotic we should be able to flow through the routine with energy, like we are having a celebration this will make it easier and more enjoyable for the children to watch. Also we need to focus on spacial awareness when doing the routine because are proximity's are close together, so we need to make sure we don;t bump into each other as that will ruin the illusion of the grace and fluidity of the synchronised swimmers.

We chose not to perform the other water/surfer dance because it was quite repetitive, and can get boring especially for kids due to their low attention span. Whereas this sequence had a lot more movement and excitement added therefore keeping the attention of the children and making it enjoyable for them.

The skills I needed when rehearsing this movement were:
  • The ability to receive the floor and land safely without injuring ourselves or anyone around 
  • To work as an ensemble this was a major skill because if we weren't working together and we were all out of time the movement would not be as effective and it could create a danger hazard especially with all the jumping. 
  • Another skill was we have to be fluid and flexible in our movements so all of them join togeher to create one beautiful piece. 

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