Wednesday 27 June 2018

Workshop and what we want them to gain -25/06/18

Workshop and what we went them to gain- 25/06/18

After the performance we will be hosting a workshop with the children for half an hour full of enjoyment and fun, but also full of information for them to take away. 
We want them to understand why we created a show about the ocean and these powerful women and understand what they took from watching the performance. 

What are the children looking to gain when participating in our workshop?
  • The children are looking to gain some kind of knowledge on how to break stereotypes and avoid discrimination because of their gender.
  • Learn about feminism and how it's all abut equal rights.
  • Be inspired and believe in what they want to do without the fear of their gender getting in the way.
  • Looking to gain excitement however that should already come with the experience.
  • The children should should gain the courage to follow their passion without the fear of being discriminated. 
  • We need to express and ignite their creativity and imagination.
  • A way to find the meaning/moral in the devised project.

The first activity in our workshop was 'Stuck in the mud' with a slight twist, we chose to begin with this because it's a game everyone knows and its enjoyable for the kids. However we wanted to change the name of the game so it links back to our performance and what we are trying to portray, The first idea we thought was 'stuck in the stereotype' but on the other hand we thought that the children might not understand what a stereotype is so it wouldn't really work well. So then we came up with 'Stuck in the Seaweed' we thought that this was the best option we should go for because the children understand it clearly and it also links with the performance because it's all bout the sea and fishes.

The second activity was to teach them the 'Becky Jelly' song as well as the dance we performed in the beginning and end of the performance. We thought that this would be a good way to interact with the children and have a bit of fun with them and let them take away something fun from the performance.

After that we played 'Simon says' However again like the Stuck in the mud we decided to change the name to make it link more to the performance and the message we are trying to portray. So instead of the name being 'Simone' we decided to change it to 'simone' this is because we wanted to change it to a female name so it shows that men shouldn't have the power to control women, we should all be equal.

Lastly we played a game called 'The Number's game' This was all about the devising process we would tell the young people to walk around the space then tell them to get into groups of however many and using their bodies and voices tell them to create something.
groups of 9: Octopus
Groups of 5: School Of Sharks
Group of 10: A coral Reef
I thought that this activity really allowed  the children to feel connected to the show because that's how we started creating the play, by devising. Also it allowed us to interact more the young people and show them how to we started off.

The roles in the workshop

  • Stuck in the seaweed -Kathryn and Luke 
  1. fish Releases 
  2. Stuck in the stereotype
  3. Double high 5
  4. modify
  5. Anyone can be princes or princesses
  • Becky Jelly -Natasha and Zach
  1. Teach Becky Jelly
  2. Drums, Pandeiro
  • Simone says... -Lucie and Jermaine

  • Number's game -Luke and Dilara
  1. Octopus -groups of 9
  2. School of Sharks -groups of 5
  3. Coral reef -groups of 10

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Bibliography  Polka Theatre,  About Us- Polka Theatre.  [Online] Available at: <> [Accesse...