Wednesday 2 May 2018

What makes good children Theatre

What makes good children Theatre

I believe that to make a good children's Theatre piece our work needs to have the following things:
  • Everything needs to be clear and easy to understand as children don't really dig deep into what character's are saying, they don't read behind the lines, so we need to be very upfront with how are characters are feeling.
  • The performance should have elements of bright and bold colours as this attracts kids and they pay more attention if the things on stage are actually interesting to look at.
  • The piece should be mysterious as it will keep the audiences attention.
  • While making the theatre for children you should also take into account the adults there, as we should entertain both the kids and the grown ups as they are the ones buying the tickets, so you wouldn't want them to be bored.  
  • While making things clear to understand you shouldn't patronize them as it will make the play less enjoyable for the children.
  • One of the main keys I believe is to get the children/audience involved with the action, this will definitely keep them interested. Also because young kids have a lot of energy and tend to fiddle a lot and get agitated if they are in the same place for hours. So giving them something to do that's part of the performance, will minimize these actions. 

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