Friday 27 April 2018



  • The ability to express 
  • We want to question the male stereotypes for example the fact that they don't really show their emotions due to the stereotype of crying being weak as men were meant to be brave and strong 

Surfer Narrator 
-Maya Gabeira
A sea of grumbling guys, the wave could be them pushing 
the height of wave could represent/display the anger 

She's scared and hiding, choosing not to listen to the males she is seeing all the beauty of the sea 
she could  see a fish maybe a torch fish, a shoal of fish, lit by luminescence UV, we might do a shoal of fish dance 
link it to pollution  

Marine Biologist 
-Sylvia Earl 
-this story is about finding beauty in nature sort of like magic 
-didactic song 
-Questing sex and gender stereotypes in the sea life
-clown fish are relevant because they can go from male to female 
-rainbow fish (LGBTQ)
-male seahorses because they carry the fishes 
-starfish are asexual 

commotion in the ocean 

- makes a song 

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Bibliography  Polka Theatre,  About Us- Polka Theatre.  [Online] Available at: <> [Accesse...