Sunday 6 May 2018

Idea's based on my research


I would like to focus on Maya Gabeira, one of the concepts i had was where we have Maya Gaberia wanting to surf and people telling her no it's a boys sport then she goes out the room and comes back with loads of medals from her surfing, therefore showing the kids that if they believe they can make anything possible. Or another idea i had was that we show her in a wheelchair, yet still wanting to surf when she recovers from her injuries.
I want the idea of working hard to come across to the students, so anyone can be whoever they want to be. While still conveying that you shouldn't give up, as there are many obstacles that we will have to face to get to where we want to be. That is why i want to use Maya Gaberia because she didn't let anything get in her way, she was determined. 
I need to do a lot more research into Maya Gabeira and what she achieved by using the internet, books and videos also i want to look into the accident that she went through. 

I really would like the idea of feminism and determination to really come across in our performance because i think it plays a key part in our stimulus (Goodnight Stories for Rebel girls) i was thinking maybe we could of one of the women just trying to get their work done but have really stereotypical men judging them and stating they can't do whatever they are trying to succeed. But then get the woman to actually succeed and show the men really embarrassed and admit to being wrong about girls.

Another idea i had was maybe having some roles swapped so, some girls act really 'manly' and some boys act 'girly' I believe that this will show the children that these qualities aren't only linked with one gender, boys can be emotional as well, and girls can be strong and powerful. 

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