Sunday 29 April 2018

Big Foot education -presentation lesson

Bigfoot Theatre

Bigfoot is an arts centre that works with schools and post 16 during school and breaks, they work in London, Sussex, South West, Bristol, Banes, Gloucestershire, Wales and North East. 
They provide schools with a range of workshops and assemblies.  Bigfoot's visions is "To harness and use the power of creativity to unlock children’s potential and help them discover their spark which will inspire them to learn and strive for excellence."
One of Bigfoots main projects are the theatre skills/spotlight and dancing feet programs where the children take part in: puppetry, clowning, masks, stage combat and physical Theatre. While also taking part in street dance, hip hop and African dancing.

    Big Foot Education

  • their slogan is 'After school and holiday project' 'seize the summer' 
  • They have been working with primary and secondary schools on creative projects since 2000
  • Want to provide children with challenges and opportunities 
  • The workshops they provide are for low/ underachievers, gifted and talented students, GCSE/A Level students and year 6's transitioning into year 7 
  • You can choose from 4 of their workshops: 
  1.  A one/two week course which gives students an experience where they can all work together and boost their confidence by using their imagination and to
  2. A spotlight day is used to help children learn about creative skills and theatre techniques by working with a arts practitioner in workshops.
  3. Devising a play in one or two days: they create their own play in a couple of days which is performed at the end of day two.
  4. Go mantle which gives the, a chance to explore as experts, it gives the chance to make any topic interesting and fun.
  • The SEIZE THE SUMMER! Program focuses on helping young people 
  1. achieve their potential
  2. realise their dreams
  3. manage obstacles
  4. aspire for success
  5. Respecting each others work and their own
  6. Work together 
  7. Boost their confidence
  8. To help them get the best start and point them in the right direction.
  • They create work such as Drama, Dance, physical theatre and a summer school during the summer break 

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Bibliography  Polka Theatre,  About Us- Polka Theatre.  [Online] Available at: <> [Accesse...